

Lenovo S20-30 Touch with Funtoo and Alpine

PART 2  | See part 1

2. Funtoo, from 21. Sept stage 3 tarball.
Install went as per manual.
- Made systemrescue disk, also as per manual.
- Booted, used stage3-intel64-silvermont-pure64-funtoo-current-2015-09-21.tar.xz
Fixed fstab and some other stuff, rebooted successfully - but had no networking. Did:
rc-update add dhcpcd default && rc

Some things to write into make.conf (I am still talking of specific Lenovo netbook):
-CFLAGS="-march=native -O2 -pipe"
CXXFLAGS="-march=native -O2 -pipe"
-INPUT_DEVICES="evdev synaptics"

And then I started with defining USE flags ('emerge app-portage/ufed', an helper app)...
After spending some hours with flag-lists, and reading a bit more about vast system of emerge I came to conclusion that I do not want to build advanced spaceship and make 18 trips to Jupiter JUST for using a distro on my ships console.
I suppose it's bad influence of Slackwares' and Cruxs' minimalistic package-system approach... but really... is such a system of building life from premordial soup neccessary?
Not for me - format.

3. Alpine Linux 3.2.3 64bit.
Installation instructions in Alpines' site are ... a bit unclear... you almost think that to install it, you already HAVE to have Alpine installation, and no other way.
Fortunately, it can be done without:
Unetbootin made nice working usb-image (and dd didn't!). Booted it and:
login: root / 'enter'
(and the usual warning - MY root-part is sda2, YOURS might be different)

mount -t ext4 /dev/sda2 /mnt
setup-alpine -q
setup-sshd  # if you are going to remote into it
setup-ntp  # if you want to use time from network

setup-disk -m sys /mnt

Now, why I said things about fdisk etc? Because I forgot to format properly, and ended up with borked installation. Syslinux didn't want to live in grub-infested MBR.
Fixed it with:
- dd if=/usr/share/syslinux/mbr.bin of=/dev/sda bs=440 count=1
Then some confing ... aaand ... boot succeeded.

adduser myuser;
edited /etc/group , added new user to users, disk, wheel, audio, video, cdrom, plugdev (the last one has to be made - spacefm needs it)
apk update && apk add sudo
enabled wheel in /etc/sudoers
apk add bash bash-doc bash completion  # if ash is not your favourite...
changed user-shell to bash in /etc/passwd

... read Alpines' helps, package lists and installed various things.

Then I did change main repos to 'edge' (means testing). I certainly do not advice to do that, they are testing for reason. But - I wanted my favs - spacefm, tint2 etc. Did:
apk upgrade
/etc/apk/repositories  # changed repo to edge
apk upgrade --update-cache --available

... And there wasn't any net. Imbecilic udev had changed cards' names.
I made file /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules with mac number (which can be found with ifconfig), and for good measure, did:
ln -sf /dev/null /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-name-list.rules
After that, it's easiest to reboot.
Once after that I lost network again - and discovered that it was because kernel time had reverted to UTC and was three hours in future...
Did 'date' and 'hwclock' to diagnose - first was wrong, the second was right, so:
hwclock --hctosys

Then I started to have some problems I didn't know how to fix.
And it all culminated with X starting without any input but usb-mouse (yes, yes - I did install evdev and synaptic, I did try to X -configure...).
Lot of curse-words, and ... yes, format it was.
Moral: Alpine  is recommended as lean and fast distro - provided that you stay with 'main' repo AND do not have touch-things. Also - can't have overly specific software needs...

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