

Crunchbang #!

As already hinted, I was waiting for new Debian stable to install and try Crunchbang linux Waldorf and see if it fits to replace my openboxed Xubuntu as a bootloader-master.
So I did download 64bit version (twice, as first bittorrent download was rotten) and installed successfully from usb (win32imagewriter).
First thing I did, even before first login - went stright into console and installed smxi:
cd /usr/local/bin
wget -Nc
I did that because I am not yet so far-gone that I enjoy installing kernels and video drivers. Also, with smxi you can install inxi (systeminfo script), some non-free stuff and do your first system update stright away.
Crunchbang also has first-time install-script which offers to install some things for you. If you already did smxi-thing, then skip it. Otherways, it might be of use.

Desktop: Tint2 panel sits on top and Conky on right side of screen. Pleasantly, there is nothing else. Well, it's Openbox...
Nitrogen and Compton were of course installed (wallpapers and compositing).
Conky text blends so much with background color that it's almost unreadable. And I really don't like panels on top. So, there we go - onward with rape and pillage.

Copied conf files from my other distros, tweaked them slightly to fit with grey theme... Thought that retaining something from vanilla #! look is kinda nice and polite. :)
Installed Spacefm file manager - downloaded debs and huge pile of dependencies. Success. Killed promptly Thunar and its children. Heh-heh.
Installed medit (somehow I don't like Geany especially) and xfce4-terminal. Crunchbang has Terminator for terminal - which seems to be nice thing, but I am simply used to xfce one.
Uninstalled some apps, installed some. Customized the menu - added icons to first level, removed 'places', various 'install' pipemenus and 'edit conf' type links. There are whole pile of custom pipemenu and other scripts in /usr/bin, by the way (all start with cb-...).
According to very general item-wording and lotsa helpful links, the menu seems to be oriented to very beginners.

There are quite a lot processes preloaded and memory-use is not especially low. Not to mention that some things might be simply unneeded. So I started with serious clean-up - and started to have problems. Removed gnome network manager, and lost whole connection... Edited etc/network/interfaces file and got it back:
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp 
Removed pulseaudio, installed alsa - and lost all sound. Pulse-things kept creeping out from somewhere despite manually removing various hiding leftovers... boot logs showed alsa loaded alright, but .xsession.errors showed that after that it wasnt alright at all.
Have to say - it's not the first time I remove pulseaudio and I never had such problems before. Or to put it simply, I don't know how I broke it this time.

Unfortunately, at some point I also managed to break something SO much that reboot hung on loading X. Killing process gave slim login screen... or killing it twice did... or not and it hung totally.
After a while I decided two things: That I obviously over-extended myself, and that in its vanilla form Crunchbang doesn't have anything over my Xubuntu. And also, Xubuntu did't break when I openboxed it and did other vicious things to it.
That said, make no mistake - I actually liked Crunchbang, and it's probably very nice distro for a not overly active beginner, or for pro who knows how not to break it. So, it's recommended.
Didn't fit to me, though... or maybe I didn't fit to it. 

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