

Crux 3.0 - 2: Beefing it up

See part 1 - Installation.

So, we have system and xorg installed, network-capable, and bootloader fixed. Time to:
# Get back to Crux and see what gives ... and start adding stuff.

As mentioned before, I complitely missed checking network driver in kernel, and so spent some time seeking non-existing conf-problem ... before discovering that there isn't any driver. After quick re-chroot and re-compile everything was dandy. I system-upgraded and started building desktop:

ports -u  # update/get ports. Downloaded ports go to /usr/ports/
ports -d  # see versions' difference between installed and available
prt-get sysup  # system-upgrade. Take a nap. A loooong nap.

Problems / not-upgraded:
- Perl gave error 404 - version in /usr/ports/core/perl/Pkgfile was old, incorrect. Fix it, and delete md5sum file. Then it compiles.
- atk, gdk-pixbuf, pango, gtk - all missing gobject-introspection. Install it.

Next I got proper video going:
sudo prt-get depinst nvidia
sudo prt-get depinst gl-select
sudo nvidia-xconfig
sudo gl-select use nvidia

I had some strange permissions for and in my /home and X didn't start. Check, fix if needed. Everything there should be 1000:1000 or username:users (if you changed ids to 1000). If things look fishy, do
sudo chown -r 1000:1000 /home/username

Installed apps needed for my Openbox environment (conky, lm_sensors, tint ...)

Exited root and as user:
cat >> /home/username/.xinitrc << EOF
exec openbox-session


When I was meanwhile in my grub-master Wheezy, I copied most of my various conf files to Crux, and fixed them accordingly. So I got new Openbox with menus and shit up at once (as opposed to normal black nothing).
- First observation - not Openbox nor Conky got image support. Recompiled them with --enable-imlib2 option added to Pkgfile.
- Sensors (in Conky) were not working. I probably left them out in kernel (?). Anyway, they can be added as external module: Did 'sensors-detect', and got names of module(s). For me it was coretemp. I downloaded coretemp.c and its Makefile, did 'make' and then insmod coretemp.ko
Stuck it also to /lib/modules/linux-xxx/kernel/drivers/hwmon/coretemp.ko
It worked and temps showed up.

! To stress trivial: All personal conf -  like .bashrc, .bash_aliases, .profile, .dircolors etc - has to be created or copied from somewhere. Well, of course you personalize as you want ... Crux is not some silly we-know-better-Ubuntu.

# Package management. Yes, see Handbook and see wiki and see prt-get manual, I am not going to quote commands here.
Time to install all those still-missing packages ... after making sure that at least /contrib - besides 3 main ones - is also enabled.

To mention some essentials here (from those 3 main repo-folders):
alsa-utils, alsa-plugins; bash-completion; gdk-pixbuf; gobject-introspection; imlib2; pango; lsof; startup-notification; rxvt-unicode; xorg-font* ... etc etc. After that, and also in between come things from /contrib. I didn't enable any other repos yet - but used separate rsync in some cases.
Crux' packages are really just bash install-scripts, with source URL. Dependencies are mostly listed (and consequently downloaded && installed). That's if you do 'prt-get depinst packagename'. But, dep-listing is not a requirement. Expect surprises once and a while.
When taking Pkgfiles from peoples' repos, always check Pkgfiles - those might be outdated and/or not with conf you expect. Well, there are few errors even in base 3 repos.
Package availability is quite good - for my tastes. And - everything missing can be cooked from source - with Pkgfile && pkgmk -d -i for easier maintenance, or - if Pkgfile-making seems too difficult - with simple ./configure && make && make install (or whatever source wants).

Some notes on installed packages:
- Installed Firefox esr. Unpacked it to /opt  && ln -s binary to /usr/local/bin. This folder has to be created and 'path'ed. Repo has this new nasty chrome-puke version 29 for taking - if one likes such stuff.
- There is spacefm package (Yee!) ... but no udevil. Ignorantgurus' installer works alright, though.
- tint2 is available in antique form only. No surprise here, as tint seems to be quite comatose. I did my usual, and didn't bother with Pkgfile.
- There is wmctrl package, but no xdotool (they both fit in with my openbox setup - not that they are relatives). Xdotool was the last simple 'make' for me (after that I started to create Pkgfiles). Xdotool compiled alright but, didn't copy its' libxdo library. So I did that with cp and then ldconfig to update libs.
- compton+libconfig compiled OK, so did lxappearance.
- With volumeicon there was more hassle - I didn't want to install gtk3 (ver 0.5.0 dep), so I went with 0.4.6. And this one has glib bug (= no compile). At the end, I found the patch, unpacked the source and patched it manually, repacked and compiled successfully.
- I briefly considered installing gksu - but the bloody crap has as many dependencies as a street-dog has fleas... No deal.

All-in-all, I have Crux nicely running, without *kits, gtk3 and display-manager.
Only serious problem still remaining - 'man' is not working. Only thing i get is error about 'display and formatting'. Still no idea what it wants.

# Conclusion.
My home-distro presently is Slackware-current - and I tend to put Crux to nearly same level of pleasantness. Crux is kinda more flexible... dealing with Slackware takes a bit less time. Slackwares' slackpkg (with +) seems to me, maybe, a bit more convenient than prt-get system. But it might be habit talking.
Anyway, I am going to keep Crux, and when 3.1 comes out (with eudev, ie - no systemd perversions), it will rule my linux-roost together with Slack.
Crux is recommended to anyone who wants play with Linux without all bloaty crapware... And doesn't mind messing with compile.
Part 1: Crux install, Part 3: Later problems

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